Shareholders of the company are businesspeople and financial specialists who united in order to create and develop a financial institution on the microfinance market.
Full name of shareholder
Activity, origin of capital, financial position
Roza Bedelbaeva
Private entrepreneur – activities in trade markets and agriculture
Roza Djumalieva
Private entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan. Since 2010, employee of OJSC MFC "Salym Finance"
Aruuke Konushbaeva
Diversified company "Baitur" - SPA Services, Trade, Construction, Production of building materials and furniture. Full information about the history of the Baytur company on the website www.baytur.kg
Bakytbek Kydyrmaev
One of the pioneers of transit international trade: China - Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan, Russia - in the Dordoi market, is Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the Dordoi market.