Business loan - MFC "Salym Finance"
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The loan for:

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Replenishment of working assets

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Other capital investments in business

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Implementation of commercial activities

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Increase in production or the volume of services provided

Credit terms and conditions

  • Credit amount: from 10 ths. soms / $ USD equivalent;
  • Credit term: from 3 months to 10 years;
  • Age of the borrower: from 20 years to 75 years;
  • Interest rate: from 23.9% in soms / in US dollars from 12.9%;
  • Effective interest rate including sales tax: KGS - from 27.69%; USD - from 14.38%;
  • Commission: KGS - 1% // USD - 1.5% of the credit amount;
  • Without collateral, on the surety to 700 000 soms/$ equivalent;
  • Early loan repayment without warnings and commissions!
  • In case of insufficient collateral to obtain the required loan amount, you have the opportunity to obtain a guarantee from the “Guarantee Fund” OJSC. For more information and calculation of the full cost of the loan and the costs associated with obtaining a loan, please contact our offices.

Calculate loan

Loan amount


[[ ]]


[[ error_msg ]]
[[ error_msg_month ]]
This calculation is preliminary, for an accurate calculation, contact a specialist, please.

Loan amount

[[ sum ]]

Monthly payments

[[ monthly_pay ]]


[[ month ]] m.
Show detailed information

List of documents

  • List of documents for an individual
    Required documents from the borrower:
    For an employee For a private entrepreneur For a rural resident
    • Passport, copy of a husband's passport;
    • Marriage certificate (if available);
    • Documents confirming the client's income.
    • Passport, copy of a husband's passport;
    • Marriage certificate (if available);
    • Documents confirming the client's income.
    • Passport, copy of a husband's passport;
    • Marriage certificate (if available);
    • A certificate of residence, family composition, the presence of cattle and small cattle, land areas from the Aiyl okmotu*.*
    * certificates are valid for one month
    Required documents for real estate mortgage:
    • Documents of entitlement (sale and purchase contract, donation transfer, other document) and Technical passport
    • Encumbrances (arrest) free certificate on the property from the State Registration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic


    При необходимости могут быть затребованы другие документы.

  • list of documents from a legal entity
    • Charter (a notarized copy);
    • Certificate of registration (copy);
    • Passports of the head and chief accountant (copies);
    • Decision on the appointment/election of the head, accountant (copy);
    • A signature card  of  heads and authorized persons;
    • Decision of the corporate body certifying the authority of the head;
    • Balance sheet, and statement of financial results for the last reporting period;
    • Certificates of absence of tax liabilities and social payments;  
    • The decision of corporate body on receiving a loan with an indication of the amount, term and intended use, as well as the pledging the relevant property.

    If necessary, other documents may be requested.

Instructions for repaying a loan

17 ways to pay off your loan

MBank Online

Elcart Mobile










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